
The Mount Nelson Lookout


Distance from: Hobart - 8 km, Launceston - 208 km, Devonport - km
The Mount Nelson Lookout was discovered back in 1811 when a signal station was built to send messages to Port Arthur. On a clear day, a simple message could be sent through the signal stations in under 15 minutes. This made escaping Port Arthur for convicts even more difficult as they were up against quick communication and a dog line at Eaglehawk Neck. The signal stations were retired in 1880 with the arrival of the telegraph.
Now the area around the retired signal station is a lookout with facilities and a restaurant offering up light lunches. You'll get panoramic views of Hobart which sits just 5 kilometres away as well as great views of Bruny Island in the distance. And it's incredibly safe high upon Mount Nelson as you'll enjoy the views from a boardwalk and viewing platform featuring sturdy rails and uninterrupted views.